Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our Economy Under Attack from the Radical Right

The onslaught of the American economy and the fragile Republic that stands as its protector, continues at the hands of the conservative GOP and Fundamentalist Tea Party ideologues.  James Bovarn, a vocal libertarian, has taken every chance to deride the administrations support of public works and federal welfare support this year under The Wall Street Journal's banner.  This past June,  Bovarn wrote a piece slamming Federal and State highway programs that employ millions of Americans, favoring Big Private Enterprise to handle the projects.  Several weeks later he published a piece lambasting Federal Food Aid programs.  Certainly the millions of unemployed appreciate the Administration's continued support of food assistance.  Now Bovard is targeting the Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Bovarn's timely assault on our welfare institutions should come as little surprise considering its the Wall Street journal commissioning his work.  These are the corporate handlers who support the conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalist that have held our economy hostage for years (see: Entitlements or a Federal Republic).

It is not just conservative pundits, the conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalists are actively slandering our economies strength, our nations welfare, and our collective hope. Coburn, the senator from Oklahoma, recently stood in a town hall meeting in his home state deriding the Administrations policies that favor only African Americans.  Coburn even launched into a tirade demanding where medicare is in the constitution?   At 63 and as an attack dog for the corporations that fund conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalist's, his retirement is payed for by Wall Street.  For the millions of elderly Americans not willing to sell their soul for political exposure, rely on federal welfare programs like Medicade, Medicare, and Social Security.

Approval ratings flux, where President Obama is at, he really can only improve things.  At the same time, a new conservative President, hell bent on resuming the Bush Administrations destruction of our economy would spell disaster for all Americans.  The AFL-CIO is well aware of the effort put forth by our nation's commander-in-chief, on the behalf of the American worker, tossing their hat in support of his 2012 Re Election bid.  It will not take long for the rest of America to realize the good being done by the Democrats in power and the havoc being wrought by the conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalists who only wish to sow dissension.

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