Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Conservative Covetousness

The various Democratic election committee's have out raised their Republican opponents, by twenty four million dollars this year.  Most pundits are attributing the Democrat's stellar performance to the fundraising abilities of our President Barack Obama.  This despite the fact that the Democratic National Convention cancelled ten fundraising events during the height of the Debt Ceiling Hostage Situation.  Naturally, Republicans concede the advantage of a Democrat in the White House as the reason for the success of the Liberal party. 

The jealousy that omits from the pores of conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalists, towards President Obama and his party is putrid.  I had an opportunity to see President Obama first hand while he was campaigning back in 2008, he has a charisma that transcends classes, ethnicity's, sexes, even political parties.  It is this natural gift to represent the conglomeration of human experiences that defines America, in which Barack Obama magnificently represents.  This malleable public persona is what the new generation of Americans are in need of.  The old, stale, conservative Reagen-esq image is offensive to the average American pallet, when looking towards an elected official.

Of course their are the minority in the conservative GOP and fundamentalist Tea Party, who whish to maintain the status quo of an age old America.  These organizations promote individuals like Palin, Perry, Rommney, Bachman, Rubio, who believe the poor need to pay more taxes in order to offset our growing defecit.  They attempt to drown out the national appall at corporate loopholes and capital gains luxuries.  In fact, the latest Conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalist approach is to go after the tens of millions of dollars not taxed from the lowest rung of the American socioeconomic stratum, while ignoring the hundreds of billions of dollars corporations and the top %1 of Americans never have to pay (see: The Gilded Millennium).

At a time when out nation is gripped by economic turmoil, caused by entrenched self-interest groups like the Conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalists, it is necessary to look towards a strong leader.  President Washington, President Lincoln, President F.D. Roosevelt, President Kennedy and President Obama all faced conservative opponents, hell bent on maintaining the status quo at all costs.  These American National Heroes stood in the face of aggressive fundamentalists and said "Yes, we can CHANGE FOR THE BETTER."  They understood life as a progression towards greatness, not an existence in which the dead are worshipped above the living.  These men championed Progressive ideals that took America to greater heights, despite foes who cared only for their patrons, royal and corporate. 

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