Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Women's Rights, Indentured Students and a Party of the Have's

When President Bill Clinton says Romney would be "calamitous" for the US, you can bet the house, their is some substance to the accusation. For all President Clinton's moral indiscretions, he was a savvy politician and a shrewd business man. Under his leadership, the United States entered the Digital Age with tenacity. His Presidency can at best be described as a moderate era in politics, where Homosexuals were denied equal rights, the poor were kicked of welfare by the hundreds of thousands and corporations experienced exponential growth. President Obama has followed this moderate approach as the next generation of Democratic leadership, his track record so far has been in line even with his predecessor, President George "Ol' Warhawk II" Bush. The Republican party appears to be working against itself as Romney pushes his "Woman's Propaganda" on the electorate, his party continues to slander any notion of gender equality.

A bill proposed by the Democrats would have made it easier for women to pursue legal action against wage discrimination in the work force. The idea behind the law is to guarantee women have the same employment protection as their male counterparts. The legislation would have been a success on several fronts; as an employee the piece of mind knowing you are being treated at a fair market value at your position will only increase production.  Moreover, the system of misogyny that the United States General Accounting Office observed in 2001, is the same reported by the United States Census Bureau on June Fourth.  It would seem the only way the United States political establishment would be willing to listen to any argument in favor of pushing for gender equality within our Constitution, would be if Christ himself were to stump for the cause during the next mid-term election cycle.

Mitt Romney is a Golden Child of the corporate financed mentality that women are not suited for a man's business.  This is the very same perception which has stymied the Obama Administration's attempt to alleviate another strain on our nations economy, student loan debt.  In 2009, one of the Administration's first initiatives was to promote a restructuring of the student loan system and regulating the practice of predatory lending towards students.  Once again we have a situation where the President makes a legitimate attempt towards strengthening the confidence of our nation's workforce, creating innovate policies for the future and Republicans can only play the partisan role.  The irony is that President Obama's most recent plan would lower interest rates students must pay on loans, which the Republican adametily oppose while advocating the continual reduction of interest rates for corporations and wealthy tax payers.

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