Friday, June 8, 2012

It Is Time To Take A Stand For Change

American Crossroads and Crossroad GPS, the infamous Karl Rove's Super PAC has begun to step up its assault on the President and in turn our Nation. The commercial plays out on a tablet PC, a rather subtle promotion of technology to give the appearance of a cutting edge manner. Most of the clips used in the campaign add are from 2008 during the Presidents election run. These liberal policies that President Obama championed during his campaign have been stymied at every turn by a fundamentalist Conservative Republican mentality. Karl Rove begins by attacking President Obama for wishing to assist millions of homeowners at risk of losing their domicile. The add then notes how 1/5 homeowners are still "under water" refusing to elaborate on how the Republican dominated house struck down two initiatives by the President to assist American homeowners. The first was the Home Affordable Refinance Program in July of 2010 with assisted several hundred thousand American's refinance their homes. By December the Republicans, bitter at the President's success, repealed the law declaring it a waste of time. Naturally any program which prevents multinational investment companies from liquidating working American homes would be a thorn in the side of the elitist Republican and Tea parties.

President Obama learned very quickly the nature of his opponents whose only desire to maintain a status quo steeped in the economic theory of the Trickle Down Effect. January of this year, the President announced another attempt at assisting the millions of Americans fighting to keep their homes. President Obama's plan is to address the heart of the problem for millions of borrowers, they owe more on their mortgage than their home is worth. Republicans salivate at this notion, because for a party of "personal responsibility" and individualism, this is an opportunity to pounce and take from those who are literally less FORTUNEate. The President is not recommending a complete amnesty of all overdue mortgages; on the contrary, he simply wishes to amend the system of predatory lending which has allowed working class individuals to fall prey to multinational investment companies.  The restructuring of the homeowners original mortgage may come at a loss to the banks, but this should be a penalty absorbed for inflating a market that has become the backbone of the American way of life.

Karl Rove's Crossroad GPS's then claims the President in his 2008 campaign, promised not to raise taxes for citizens who earn less than $250,000 a year.  This is followed by an assessment of "Obamacare" which conservatives refer to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as, in which numbers from the Heritage Foundation are used to claim the President implemented 18 different taxes.  The Heritage Foundation is a neo-conservative think tank in the pocket of Republican and Tea Party advocates.  The alleged 18 different taxes are really just the reshuffling of finances in order to pay for the PPACA.  Most of the taxes would only affect insurance companies and those citizens who earn $250,000 a year or more.  Rove even claims that the mandate which requires every citizen to receive health insurance, is a tax which would amount to hundreds of dollars a year for those who are negligent. The mandate has been the most controversial portion of the act despite its conservative origins.  It is the Republican or moral majority which stresses the need for all citizens to spend their capital on car insurance or their children's education.  This is the same party of Ron Paul who said the uninsured should die.  Let us also remember the Republican's were willing to end our historic Democratic process in order to defend the wealthy from receiving any tax increase.

It ends with a clip from the President's first days in office when he promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first time.  Since he made the remark, the Republican and Tea Party have taken every opportunity to discredit President Obama's reputation and ignore every policy or initiative he has championed.  People speak these days of a partisan political establishment in which the politics of ugly dominates.  The sad truth is that President Obama has done everything in his power to remain a middle of the road president alongside the likes of Reagen, Bush I and II and Nixon.  If we truly desire a nation which leads the world into the 21st century, we must throw full support behind the president and his party during the upcoming elections.

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