Sunday, September 4, 2011

Racism Prevents Progress

This week President Obama will address his American constituents. Most political pundits point to an agenda loaded with incentives to assist our economic recovery, centered on job creation and growth. Our greatest hope as Americans, is for the conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalist to abandon their racist, chauvinistic, anti-humanity agenda. This would require the Radical Right to turn their collective backs to their corporate benefactors and actually stand for the American worker and lower/middle class American voter.

This will be a large task for the conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalists to undertake.  The racism and anti-islamaphobia that has over run Europe, continues to maintain a steady heart beat among the American political arena.  The Modern Red Scare has manifested itself in a variety of ugly forms including an increase in "patriot" and "militia" organizations, all grounded on hateful rhetoric and experiencing an exponential rate of growth largely because of a sitting African American president.  America is a vast and diverse land.  The conglomeration of races, ethnicity's, cultures, and religions, the United States represents an array of individual American experiences.  The reality is that even in the 1940's, if not the late 1800's, America had evolved from its original English, Anglo-Saxon roots, into a growing multicultural nation.  The ruling elite from the Revolution to now remain W.A.S.P. in culture, "White Anglo Saxon Protestant".  The original oppression from wealthy English, Anglo-Saxon elite, continues to haunt much of the same cultural groups who assisted in founding this great nation : Arcadian-Creole, Spanish (both coincidentally Catholic), African-American, and the Indigenous American.

President Obama never thought this would be an easy undertaking.  A nation that harbors hate, ignorance, and a gross sense of insecurity, perhaps does not deserve such a noble lion of politics, much less its first Black President.  October saw the United States with its first fatality free month in Iraq since the invasion in 2003.  His upcoming speech will certainly entail a massive investment in our nations infrastructure, especially in regards to transportation.  The sad truth is that the Obama Administration has maintained the moderate stance that it ran on during its original election cycle and victory.  The few attempts that the Democratic President has taken towards righting our economy have been visciously attacked by conservative GOP and Tea Party Fundamentalists.  The reallity is that the Radical Right wishes to only cater to the elite of the United States economy.  The tragic fate of the middle and lower class Americans, is left to the mighty will of our Commander-In-Chief.  President Obama will surely follow the world trend of regulating the wealthy elite who have since time immemorable have taken every opportunity to exploit our nations resources for their own families, drinking buddies, and church congregations.

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