Sunday, August 14, 2011

We reap what the Bush Administration did not sow

A recent Gallup Poll has conservative pundits salivating at the glands like a Pavlovian test dog in a Thomas Pynchon novel.  According to a poll over the weekend, President Obama's job approval rating has fallen to 39%, the first time it has hit under 40% during his presidency.  The key word is "job", just before "approval rating", where most conservative GOP and Fundamentalist Tea Party ideologue's missunderstand.  Perhaps a walk down memory lane, hand in hand with old President G.W. will refresh their memories.

First, let us remind ourselves of a poll undertaken by Gallup just over a year ago in which respondents were asked who to place the blame for the failing economy: former President G.W. Bush or current President Obama?  President Obama enjoyed a 51% notch in those who viewed him not responsible for our faultering economy, while a majority, 71% believed President G.W. was to blame for the economies course.  President Bush's poor showing is not to be under estimated.  With the exception of brief moments of respite in the 9/11 Attacks and the initial Invasion of Iraq, Pres. G.W. Bush faced overwhelming crticism, especially in the sacred area of "job approval rating."

Of course the joke was on the American tax payer and the future middle class generations that will bare the blunt of Republican deficit spending.  The first chart shows President Clinton's balanced budget approach, much in the manner of how President Obama hoped to control our growing deficit.  President Clinton had the nation on course to acheive an actual budget surplus for well over a decade. The idea is to increase government revenue, while compromising on taxes with the conservative Radical Right.  It was the Bush Administration and his conservative GOP deficit spending that drove our national debt to astronomical proportions, as illustrated in the second chart.
The economy continues to stall, while conservative GOP and Fundamentalist Tea Party ideologues accuse the president of treason and undermine the economic stability of our nation; the people grow restive.  The poll also reported a gradual trend favoring Democrat candidates in registered voter preference for 2012 elections.  Moreover, the same poll shows an alarming trend for Tea Party Fundamentalists who are becoming a political nuisance.  The time is ripe for President Obama to maintain an aggresive domestic policy, creating jobs, bolstering the economy in order to ride the wave of public support for our beloved Progressive Administration

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