Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Realpolitik Only the Republican Can Love

There is a stench engulfing our nations capital, conservative hypocrisy.  You see many liberals feel that President Obama has played a very conservative hand in his first of two terms as President of the United States.  Not to be labeled soft on crime, the Obama Administration has failed to decriminalize marijuana, toughened federal statues on immigration, bent over backwards to accommodate Tea Party fundamentalists on the debt ceiling issue, and continues his predecessors "War on Drugs" (i.e. War on Latin America.)

The recent Project Gunnrunner scandal is a shining example of how irrational GOP, and Tea Party Fundamentalists demand conservative action's from the Obama Administration.  Unfortunately, once the administration appeases the unprogressive ideologues, it is immediately harangued by opponents.  Attorney General Eric Holder has come under direct fire from Republican Allen West from Florida and ironically the National Rifle Association for his post overseeing Project Gunnrunner.

The most disheartning issue surrounding the scandal is the idea that the A.T.F. a federal agency would willfully allow for weapons to fall into criminal hands in order to further their case against the alleged criminal organizations.  It would seem that that Fundamentalist Tea Party and GOP'ers who harp on this rally cry have forgotten the basic approach modern law enforcement takes to circumnavigate entrapment laws and continue to overcrowed our prison systems.  From controlled crack cocaine buys, to prostitution stings, from poseing as hit men, to actually infiltrating criminal organizations and taking part in their nefarious activity. This act willfully supporting criminal activity in pursuit of criminals is known as forward leaning or preventative prosecution.  Petra Bartosiewicz in the recent August 2011 issue of Harpers Magazine "To Catch a Terrorist: The FBI Hunts the Enemy Within" and highlights how pervasive this form of jurisprudence has become in our legal system. 

Of course, no Republican or Tea Party Fundamentalist would dare note how this instance pales in comparisson to the actions of their beloved neo-conservative patriarch Ronald Reagen and his Iran-Contra Coverup.  Via foreign bank accounts, false companies, and "criminal" arms dealers the Reagen Administration sold weapons and rockets to our enemy Iran.  Treason was the name of the game for the Republican Administration as it sought power by any means necessary, essentially embracing profits over patriotism like any commercial enterprise should.  In fact a common mantra formed from the Right Wing Administrations support of dirty wars and apolitical trickery "the ends justify the means." 

As the Obama Administration continues to lead the country towards a better tomorrow.  It is reassuring to see Mr. President stand by his staff in this volitile era of political mud slinging.  The administrations opponenets do not care for truth or justice, for them political points are to be attained at all cost in order to protect the entrenched status quo resilliant to needed change

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