Friday, May 11, 2012

A civil conversation with a Ron Paul supporter, Part 1

The following is a transcript from a conversation the other day between myself and a long time friend. Please excuse the casual vernacular, we were speaking informally.  I love this because it highlights how the Ron Paul supporter really has a warm home in the Obama Administration and need not settle for the elitist politics of Mitt Romney and his mainstream Conservative ideology. My friend happened to post a video praising the ideology of Ron Paul,
to which I perhaps rashly commented on: Ron Paul is a hack and a pawn of an elitist party. Their only desires is to deliberately mislead working class American's into believing that their way of small town existence is under threat. He is an isolationist who cares little for those who do not share his beliefs, belong to his local lodge, or attend his specific church.

Friend: I like your passion my friend, always have. The only problem is you have always been severely misinformed. This is not about democrat or republican, this is about an idea. The importance of the Federal Reserve is to regulate the market in order for the government to maintain its social obligations to its citizenry. Ron Paul desires a government that does not regulate business, because he knows that the private industries which fund his campaign will rape the American consumer once restrictions are lifted. In regards to his "liberal" social rhetoric, most Democrats, especially the Progressives, have always fought through the legal system, ACLU, and the Constitution to prevent any form of a National Security State. He is proclaiming these non-partisan issues to appear like a "sage" of the Republican party, when in reality he is no different then Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan or Mitt Romney who also knew how to manipulate the working class with false promises of laissez faire freedom. The irony of his rhetoric is that Obama has taken us out of Iraq, we are practically out of Afghanistan. The worst part of it all is that his isolationist mentality, is fertile ground for supremacist mentality. Homosexuals, Women, Immigrants, and all cultural American minorities would be placed at an immediate disadvantage with his philosophy in power. He stands for a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality that is non-existent in our consumer driven society. Anyone who has ever achieved anything in this world, had some system of support along the way to take them to the next level, it is an absolute. You are a fan of NPR and someone I consider an intellect. Read Malcom Gladwell's Outliers, its an excellent work. He writes for the New York Times, the New Yorker, and some other papers. Change is happening now for the better, we are coming together as an American race. The outcome will be a huge advance in the history of human evolution.

 Friend: Why did Obama extend the patriot act? A platform he ran against. Why did he sign NDAA that allows indefinite detention with out trial of American citizens? Why is medical marijuana (the best medicine for post-traumatic stress disorder) still illegal. Yet, they have no problem prescribing over priced drugs that has "suicide" written on the side as an f'ing side effect to our troops when they come home. Obama promised everyone change, then he changed his promises. I submit that Obama and Romney have the exact same policies. Yeah, they bitch about gay marriage and abortion. Then without batting an eye watch our men and women die and kill innocent people in other countries for our "safety". What you don't understand, is the Federal Reserve allows our country to fund these wars on the backs of our children. "If you live above your means you are destined to live below your means." that goes for the U.S. as well. The Fed is a privately owned bank that is allowed to print money. They increase the supply of money which is inflation. Inflation it is a tax on the American people through the rise in the price of goods and services. Furthermore, Obama's #1 campaign contributor... Goldman Sachs, Ron Paul's #1 campaign contributor The men and women of the armed forces... try again. My friend, you give the Federal government far too much credit. His philosophy is power to the people. That the problems within our community are best handled by our community. The federal government is wasteful and can only be reached by lobbyist they are not held accountable for anything. Take away their power and give it to the states and we all win. A first term president has no real power or authority to repeal an act of congress, signed by a previous president and upheld by the U.S. Supreme court. The Patriot Act was detestable when an elected Republican backed by a Republican controlled congress proposed and passed the bill. It is an excuse for the government to imprison anyone in the name of terrorism. At the same time you know as well as I do was the how the post 9/11 hysteria rose to unprecedented patriotic fervor. To this day, Muslims and all other ethnic groups who share their "stereotypical" description face an unregulated belief on the governments part that they may be racially profiled, all because of the Patriot Act. I can attest to this first hand, despite the fact that I hail from all European stock of Basque, Irish, and German descent, I am still viewed by strangers as an Arab. I do put more faith in the power of the people to make a difference at a Federal level in a democratically elected society. Within state legislatures, regional prejudices rarely go unchecked. The invasion of our private lives occurs at a greater rate at the hand of state and local authorities more so than at the federal government. The War on Drugs is the same type of Republican conservative ideology used to restrict socially marginalized groups within the United States like the Patriot Act. At the same time we are also seeing less liberal states focus more on arresting illegal immigrants who form the bulk of our nations low-end labor pool rather than allowing homosexuals equal rights as Americans. The greatest tragedy for the Abortion issue would be a return to state rights, where many backwards legislature would welcome the ability to restrict a woman's right to self-determination. The situation would produce the old instance where the hypocritical rich Republican can afford to go to the states where abortion is less regulated for their own sexual mishaps, while villainising the poor who would be unable to practice this inevitable fact of life. The worst thing Ron Paul does is use the death of our fallen soldier as a political weapon to attack an humanistic and socially conscious President. When any U.S. military personnel joins the service, be it reserves or active duty, they are preparing to put their life on the line for their country. To say anyone died in vain during the Iraq or Afghanistan wars is similar to those who disrespected returning troops in Vietnam. Ultimately we both support our respective political contenders for the 2012 Election cycle because we believe they offer the best road towards the liberation of the American citizen. The problem for me is that Ron Paul can proclaim the exact same line of logic that Obama is doing, and actually convince his supporters that his ideas are original. He is a populist, attempting to herd the middle class who does not associate with or feel any affinity towards an African American president. True state rights would be a return to the old days of American business where oligarchy's ruled the economy and the politicians. And the idea that inflation is evil is the number one way to misinform anyone who has never taken a college level Macroeconomics course. Inflation is absolutely necessary to regulate any capitalist economy. It is how the economy is able to give back to the mass of working class people who do not have the advantage of the elitist class of 1%. Adam Smith mentions this in The Wealth of Nations, just like his advocacy of the black market as a tool for the mass of laborers disenfranchised from legitimate socioeconomic pursuits.

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